
The word means Red Bush. Aspalathin Linearis in Latin.

The Rooibos Company brings you lots of great and natural products. We import and distribute quality rooibos and honeybush from selected farms in the Republic of South Africa.


History, origin and production of rooibos tea

Benjamin Ginsberg

Founder of the commercial sale of rooibos aka Godfather of Rooibos

The Swedish botanist Carl Thunberg first described the healing effects in 1772. In 1904 the Russian tea merchant Benjamin Ginsberg perfected the fermentation of rooibos and in the 1920s the rooibos tea was in full swing in the world tea trading. It was soon in short supply thanks to the great interest in wild-growing tea. Dr. Pieter Le Fras Nortier, Ginsberg's business partner, discovered how to grow the bush and together with farmer Olof Bergh they began growing rooibos in a cultivated manner.

Benjamin Ginsberg
Benjamin Ginsberg
Benjamin Ginsberg


Did you know that there is red and green rooibos?

Thanks to new technologies we can also enjoy green rooibos tea. The principle is the same as for black and green tea. Rooibos oxidizes quickly just like when an apple is cut, it turns red. Therefore it has to be dried immediately by dry-freezing or high-capacity blowing dryers.

Rooibos, which is also known as the red bush or Aspalathus linearis, is a plant native to South Africa. Rooibos tea is traditionally used for its pleasant taste and a variety of potential health benefits. Below are some of the beneficial aspects of rooibos tea.

Cedeberg Mountains

CEDEBERG Mountains – Cedar Mountains (200km from Cape Town). An area with a large concentration of cave paintings of the original Khoi and San people who were the first to use rooibos mainly to calm the stomach and colic in children. An absolutely clean area without pollution and the influence of the big city and even somewhere (e.g. redespresso) is transported on carts pulled by donkeys.


Harvesting and production

Harvesting takes place from the end of January to the end of March, when the sun is at its strongest. Harvesting is mainly done manually with the help of sickles. The farmer carefully evaluates each harvest and records the yield. Rooibos must not be fertilized and it is very important to maintain the original conditions for growth. The quality can vary from year to year depending on the weather.

After being separated from the stem the rooibos is spread on a concrete yard, moistened and left to ferment at approx. 42°C. During the fermentation the rooibos is run over by a tractor to disrupt its structure and at the same time it is shuffled. Thanks to this process and oxidation, rooibos changes color, aroma and taste.




Rooibos tea contains a unique antioxidant called aspalathin, which fights free radicals in the body caused by sun exposure, pollution, and stress. This antioxidant is believed to help fight premature aging, heart disease, and cancer.

In organic quality

Certification guarantees that only the best rooibos reaches our customers.

Good for health

Health promoting. Some studies suggest that consuming rooibos may help improve heart health by lowering blood pressure.

Hand harvested

Harvesting is mainly done manually with the help of sickles. The farmer carefully evaluates each harvest and records the yield.

For Vegans and Vegetarians

In contrast to black and green tea, Rooibos contains only minimal amounts of tannins, which can disrupt the absorption of iron in the body.

Caffeine free

Unlike black or green tea, rooibos does not contain caffeine, making it a suitable alternative for those who avoid caffeine or do not want to consume it before bed.

South Afrika

Original imported from the mountain area

Full of minerals and antioxidants

Rooibos is rich in antioxidants such as aspalathin and nothofagin, which can help protect cells from free radical damage.

Suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children from 6 months

Rooibos is for the whole family. Consumption of rooibos is suitable from 6 months of age up to the oldest members of your household.

We have direct contacts with the farmers.
Friendly treatment of our customers.

About us

A story about love to life, ourselves and Africa.

It all started in 2013 when Petr left Cape Town for a vacation to his native town Liberec. It was Christmas time and also the only chance he could get away from work. At that time Petr was already running a very prosperous catering business in which he also cooked and was able to enjoy some time off for 4 weeks to be his family and friends. At one meeting with his friends he met Monika when the two immediately fell in love. In February 2014, Monika went to Cape Town to see Petr and they have been an inseparable couple ever since. For 5 long years they were together almost 24/7. Together they worked hard, had fun and enjoyed the beauty of South Africa that they got to know on their travels. They travelled the whole South Africa criss-cross. They drove tens of thousands of kilometres. They travelled the entire East Coast, Garden Route, West Coast, national parks such as Namaqualand, Kruger, Kgalagadi. They walked through the beautiful Drakensberg (Dragon Mountains) and spent more than 100 nights in African camps.

At the beginning of 2019, they decided to start a family and since it was no longer just about themselves. They had to decide where they would raise their future children. Even though South Africa is beautiful in every way it can also be very cruel and dangerous. The reason prevailed and they returned home to Liberec. After returning to the Czech Republic they both were very homesick so they had decided to bring a piece of Africa to everyone in the form of rooibos. Drinking rooibos was on their daily agenda. On the one hand it helped Monica maintain a sufficient amount of iron during pregnancy. It is caffeine-free and has other beneficial effects but above all it is very tasty. They were even more surprised that they did not come across quality rooibos anywhere in the Czech Republic which they were already used to from South Africa. It didn't take long to decide what they would like to do in the Czech Republic.

Rooibos company
Rooibos company
Rooibos company

Would you like our lemonades for your company, restaurant or café? Write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our email address:

Šimáčkova 448/9 Liberec XII-Staré Pavlovice 460 01 Liberec

Identifikační číslo: 09127739 Spisová značka: C 45290/KSUL Krajský soud v Ústí nad Labem

Šimáčkova 448/9 Liberec XII-Staré Pavlovice
460 01 Liberec

Identifikační číslo: 09127739 Spisová značka: C 45290/KSUL Krajský soud v Ústí nad Labem